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Essayez notre abonnement

Six de nos savons bio livrés chez vous tout au long de l'année

Les savons de The Soap and the Sea sont vendus sous forme d'abonnements annuels. Tous les 3, 4 ou 6 mois, en fonction de la taille de votre foyer et de vos habitudes, nous vous envoyons un nouveau lot de six savons. Mélangez vos parfums préférés pour chaque lot. Faites-vous livrer ce produit ménager essentiel directement chez vous et aidez l'océan. Les abonnements peuvent être modifiés, interrompus ou annulés à tout moment.
Ships every
3 months (5 + people)
  • 3 months

    (5 + people)

    CHF 54.00

  • 4 months

    (3 - 4 people)

    CHF 54.00

  • 6 months

    (1 - 2 people)

    CHF 54.00

Choose your 6 Soaps

Add 6 Soaps from the listing

Eucalyptus & Sea Salt (Eucalyptus & Sel marin)
Beurre de Karité sans parfum
Verveine & Citron
Gingembre Exfoliant
Charbon, Romarin & Mandarine
Cedar & Sandalwood
Free shipping on all orders over €/CHF 60

We are on a mission to make soap little ambassadors for our enormous ocean, and rally a community of Ocean Friends as we go. 50% of our profits are donated to ocean conservation via our fund The Wishful Squid.

Wet bar between hands to lather and use on body and hands. Dermatologically tested and organic, our soap is totally safe but can sting if it enters the eyes. If this happens, simply rinse out with plenty of water.

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Our Mission

Our soaps are carefully crafted using only the finest organic ingredients.

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50% Profis Donated

We donate to Ocean Conservation initiatives

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Why We Do It

Our soaps are carefully crafted using only the finest organic ingredients.

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What Makes Our Soaps Special

Our organic soaps are made by hand in a small family-owned factory by the sea in Spain, using the traditional soap making process known as cold saponification. They are made in a sustainable and humane way, with special attention paid to the ingredients and scents, and always with the ocean in mind. 100% natural, vegan and palm oil free, they are suitable for all skin types, and their soft, fine lather will never dry your skin, no matter how often you wash. We think the soaps are as simple and beautiful as the mission they carry.

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Premium, organic soaps delivered to your door with flexible subscriptions

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Fish swimming

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