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Sea-Saving Soaps

Bring the sparkle of the sea into your shower with our range of 100% natural, organic and vegan certified soaps. We donate 50% of our profits to ocean conservation, so you can help us to save the sea, one soap at a time.
5 0 % O F P R O F I T S D O N A T E D T O O C E A N C O N S E R V A T I O N *

Why Use Our Soaps?

Be An Ocean Friend

Our oceans are home for 94% of the planets creatures. We donate 50% of profits to help protect the blue heart of our world

They're Ocean Ambassadors

Learn about the wonder of the sea through our fun illustrated packaging, digital seaopedia and work with renowned Scientists

Good For You

Ethically made in Spain and dermologically tested, not only do they smell amazing – they leave your skin feeling amazing too

As Seen In

Our Soaps

Our soaps are made in Europe and the range features ingredients such as eucalyptus, charcoal and sea salt. Designed to be used for your hands and body, the sea-inspired natural ingredients will leave your skin feeling silky soft.

Our Impact

We founded the philanthropic Wishful Squid Fund in 2020. We are dedicated to restoring ocean health by supporting inspiring initiatives in science, education, advocacy, and habitat protection.



"Great product, been using it for a month now and feels great"

Adelin C

"THE SOAP is fabulous on your skin while the SEA is preciously protected"

Kathy B

"Amazing! Would highly recommend. Good for the hands and the soul!"

Nicola W

"Stunning! Very pleasent and smells divine!"

Sophie K
Fish swimming

Devenez un Ocean Friend

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